Wednesday, October 1, 2008

OH what a beautiful day!

the last half hour has been nothing but happy.

(backstory: at lunch Nick and I discovered that not only are we the only two taking math classes, but they are actually taught by THE SAME PROFESSOR. Nick was telling a story about how his prof was telling this long elaborate story about how he lost his glasses so pardon his inability to read... while they were on top of his head. Nick finally got the courage to inform the guy, then a pause and: "We shall never speak of this again." this sounded so incredibly familiar, I had to ask. yup, same guy. Mike Petrie is so freaking terrific; he owns pretty much every math teacher but Allen, and even then it's a close tie.)

so after class, I go up to Mike and inform him of this recent turn of connections. he doesn't remember which one is Nick until I remind him about the glasses scenario. he slings an arm around me and says, "This is strictly between you and me: It's all theatrics. You know that. It's just all theatrics. Some times more so than others, but it's all me!" (sound familiar, guys?) this thrilled the heck out of me, because a senior friend of mine had told me three weeks ago about how Mike's an actor at heart, and I hadn't had the chance to talk to him about it.
basically, Mike knew about my knowing about his acting skillz before I told him I knew. and also note the implication: he knew I'm theatre on top of everything.
maybe I do wear a neon sign. one of Tanya's very first comments to me was: "You're like all the good parts of all the theatre people I know rolled up into one person. Just the good parts, though." she didn't even know I was a stage freak yet. she had no idea.

this was supposed to be short!!!!!!!! gah. I'm too spaz-happy to not yammer, I guess.
I was frightfully happy because Mike pretty much made my day, so I was going around bounce-walking (those of you who have seen it know exactly what I'm talking about) and humming Montego Bay. then I hear, "Suzanne be so sexy!" So I talked to Linzie for five minutes, and we're both really happy people, so that was awesome on top of everything, and then I get home and there's a reply email from Starkey! and she basically tells me I've successfully exploded into college and to learn everything fascinating and experience EVERYTHING because this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. which I plan on heartily disagreeing with, but then I'm not going to be an English teacher. I freaking love Starkey, though; she's so splendiferous.

so yeah. right now I'm so high on life. I can't cease smiling.

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