Sunday, October 5, 2008

I get knocked down. But I get up again

Ah, how the mighty blissful fall. shortly after my last post, I found myself going into total panic mode. I had one three-page essay for one class, one math exam, four chapters/three reviews/one essay for yet another class, AND a rough draft. and all due dates save one were before 2:30 on Friday. (I didn't realize how deep the sludge was that I was in until Thursday at 6 pm.) here's what happened: I worked on the first essay until it was finished - an hour and a half after it was due. in the meantime I totally ditched the class where I had (have) to write a heckuva lotta schtuff. this gave me exactly one hour to cram everything I've learned in math thus far onto a 3 by 5 notecard and book it to class for the exam. I did, barely, and utterly bombed the thing. I managed to complete one question out of ten. I worked on all of them, but there was so much I didn't know how to do, that my card was useless for... if I weren't trying so frantically to finish the thing, I would have broken down and cried. afterwards (at 3:30), I was drained. I walked home, still in my pajamas from the night before, starving because I couldn't afford the time for lunch much less breakfast, and thoroughly miserable. I got two Taco Bell gorditas and went over to the boys' place. Nick was leaving, but he said I could watch a movie (yay mind-numbing comedy) and recommended Monk. soon after Jon walked in. I explained how awful I felt, he paused for one second, and then: "I'm breaking out the Poptarts." not just the regular strawberry/blueberry/cinnamon Poptarts, though. he generously shared his supersecret stash of chocolate fudge. that compassionate act alone made me feel so much better, I nearly threw my arms around him and gave him a huge kiss (on the cheek). I didn't though - having not showered yet, I was rather disgusting. then we watched Monk together for over an hour, which also helped immensely. it's a good show! I was surprised how much I laughed. and then - Mom showed up. and the entire family! we went to Chipotle with Jon and Rachel, which was wonderful.

so now I'm in Longmont (did I have a choice?), STILL procrastinating on homework, after all that. will I never learn? off to auditions (blegh) for 24-hour one-acts. more on that as it comes up. or at least after I get a part.

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