Monday, February 9, 2009

Come what may

Double meaning, up there --^ It references both a talk and a song. And that makes me happy.

I love Bradley. I do. It's a little weird to think that, because I've been thinking about it so long without coming to any conclusions, but watching Moulin Rouge a couple days ago made it all click. Not saying I'd die for him or anything drastic and everlasting, but at the very least I love him like I love my dear friends. He's important to me. And he reallyreallyreally wants to learn how to do aerials. : ) Yay dancing!
We're not official. No kissing as of yet. But, I think both are coming up soon... Eeee. For the first time in nineteen years, I have a date for Valentine's Day! Holy mackrels, Batman! It's going to be an absolute blast, I can feel it in my marrow. I'm excited.

In other news, I have a marketing test tomorrow I should be studying for. Also, got my essay back today. Another fricking A-! I hate my life. Not really, but I so utterly resent the English Department here for not telling me I suck, here's how to fix it. That essay was a half-botched speed-through on a topic I detested and barely researched, which I did NOT proof-read, period. Written in one sitting and then turned in pronto, no look-backs. and I get a fricking A minus. WHY? Thank you very much, I know I'm a great writer. But please, oh please, can someone rip my work apart? Can a competent person I respect read something and say, "This is bull. You didn't even try. I refuse to accept this shoddy, flimsy excuse of an essay. Come back with something semi-decent!" I would kiss them! I am beginning to realize the adage "English majors are full of BS" is truer than I'd wished. I can get a solid A in any English class on campus, I guarantee it. and that, more than anything else, is the reason I NEED to get out of this school and go somewhere that will actually challenge me writing-wise. Too bad I screwed myself over in that regard...

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