Thursday, November 6, 2008

Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs... Breakin' my mind

Jordan's fine with "being Rejected," and not only did Nick like me all the way back when we all first met two months ago (shocking!), but he thought I was jealous of Rachel when they were... considering going out. which is a projection of his narcissism, because that is so not true. but I am jealous of McKenz right now, as she and Nick are now closer than a peanut-butter jam sandwich. it was awkward and painful to watch at first, of course, but it's been less than a week and I've fully recovered, and nicely. because this is really a very old pattern, and I'm just too used to it.

and I promised myself I'd stop going on about my romantic dealings... le sigh.

1 comment:

Alice said...

so many boy troubles!
you're such a pimp XD.