Sunday, September 28, 2008

inspired by Alice. who else?

first thoughts: it's after one. I'm sleepy for once. I should move 1.3 feet to my bed and nod off already.
second thoughts: NAH.

apparently I'm perfecting the talent of spouting pithy, memorable statements without trying. observe:
One of the BEST summer memories is sitting in a park at midnight discussing the future with one of my best friends. And I hope I never forget this... it went real quiet for a bit, then they looked over and said "If I had to go through everything you've been through, I would want to turn out like you."
- Sam on 9-27-08 (I will never forget that night.)

that santa monica stole your heart.
it means you're adjusting. : )"
Bless this child.
- Alice on 9-28-08 (I was commenting on her status... she's been going through a rough patch.)

I interpret this coincidental quoting of me to mean that I should ponder a bit more before I talk, as I'm unusually memorable. I don't know. half the time, I go with the impulse anyway and say something idiotic. several stories people could interject, here. whatever.

hey. let's try something new. no talking about college, or boys, or what happened or how I'm feeling. I'll just stop here.